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Coaching  Services

Explore The Possibilities

Are you:

At a crossroads either personally or professionally and looking for direction?

Working so hard to meet everyone else’s needs that you are neglecting your own?

A busy professional who wants time to refocus and re-evaluate?

Competent, yet lacking in confidence?

Feeling that there must be more to life than this?

If so, then individual coaching could help you to put your life back into perspective.

What is Coaching?

The aim of coaching is to help you to determine and achieve your personal goals.

It is a one-to-one relationship with a qualified and experienced coach practitioner.  Coaching can be the key step to making fundamental changes in your personal or professional life. By helping you to focus on achieving your personal or professional goals, coaching will help you to move forward and take charge of your life in a satisfying and inspiring way.  But coaching is not advice giving - to be effective it relies on the knowledge that you are the best expert on your own life and circumstances.  At Integra Coaching all coaching conversations are supportive, non-directive and confidential.


How does the coaching process work?

We will begin with an initial, free conversation over the phone where we will clarify your objectives and determine whether coaching is the right approach for you at this time.  If so subsequent sessions can be face-to-face, by telephone or Skype, or on one of our retreats.

Please get in touch for further details of sessions and costs.


Coaching Services: Welcome
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